
There are four modes for computing profiles: Color, Grain Size, Background or Object. The profiles are created from a rectangular area according to a direction in order to show the variation of the grain size, the variation of the pixel color or the variation of a component previously extracted with the Background or Object Extraction tool.

 Note: The views produced by Multiview are not visible when using the Profile tool.

Add a profile

Area: Select an area representing the desired region of computing (for adding new profile areas, see Area Editor). The central dotted line of the area indicates the direction of the profile.


Edit the selected profile

Rename: Edit the profile name.

Color: Choose the color profile.

Normalize Data: Checking this box normalizes the values between 0 and 1, therefore accentuates the variation.

Show Bound: Show the outline of the profile area (dotted line).

Smooth: This slider allows to smooth the profile.

Export: Export in a text file the profile values. In the file, the first line defines the step length from a value to another and the second line is the unit of measure of the step.

Profile preferences

Select the line width of profiles.

 Note: To display the preferences, open the Project Preferences window and select Profile.