Supported File Types

Supported file formats for loading images

The following formats are supported: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, PNM and TIFF. Transparency or alpha channel is removed when loading a format that uses transparency. Images with 16 bits per channel are converted in 8 bits per channel.

BMP (.bmp)

The BMP reader can read Version 2.x, 3.x and some 4.x BMP images. BMP images with 1, 4, 8, 24 bits can be read with this reader. A support for 16 and 32 bit images has also been implemented, although such images are not very common.

Reading of compressed BMPs is supported. BI_RGB, BI_RLE8, BI_RLE4 and BI_BITFIELDS compressions are handled.

BMP limitations:

GIF (.gif)

GIF files are read using the classes of the Java 2 SDK.

JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe)

JPEG files are read using the classes of the Java 2 SDK.

PNG (.png)

All PNG files (8 and 24 bit palettes).

PNM (.pgm, .pnm, .ppm)

Standard PNM files, including PBM, PGM, and PPM images of both ASCII and raw formats.

TIFF (.tif, .tiff)

The TIFF decoder supports all of the baseline TIFF 6.0 specifications. The TIFF decoder also supports several extensions including CCITT bilevel encodings, Tiled Images, Sample Format (integral and floating point). TIFF G3, G4, PackBits, LZW, JPEG-in-TIFF and DEFLATE compression types are understood by the TIFF decoder.

File formats for saving images

Tiled TIFF (.tif, .tiff)

Tiled TIFF is the best format to visualize or analyze images in JMicroVision. It also keeps information of the acquisition device. Images can be saved in the tiled TIFF format:

  1. From the file menu Convert Images to Tiled TIFF
  2. When they are loaded, if the image length or the image width is larger the 768 pixels and if the format is not already tiled TIFF, a popup dialog asks you to optimize the image.
  3. Press the save button in the Image List Editor.

 Note: The tiled TIFF format is very suitable for large images. It also offers a faster rendering comparing to the other formats. Tiling improves the performance and facilitates the use of multiple threads for computation. When loading an image, JMicroVision asks to convert the image to a tiled TIFF format, which is a format with a tiled data structure. As a result, each tile can be loaded separately in memory (without a tiled format, the whole image would be loaded).

TIFF (.tif, .tiff)

Standard TIFF format (not tiled) for saving images produced by Image Factory or for exporting a snapshot of the project rendering.

PNG (.png)

Image format for saving charts, histograms and the images produced by Image Factory or for exporting a snapshot of the project rendering.

File format for loading and saving projects

JMicroVision Project (.jmv)

Format of JMicroVision Project files, that includes all the drawings, general descriptions, calibration, image references, image operations and preferences.

 Note: The additional descriptors cannot be included (Context, Feret, Texture and Background).

Vector graphics format for exporting the current project

Compressed SVG (.svgz)

The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file format is defined in the W3C specification, SVGZ is the "gzip" compression (an open-source variant of Zip compression) of the SVG file. If the displayed image is exported, a directory called "images_ " + "the name of the project" is created and the image will be copied in it.

Most of the major vector graphics editors can read SVG (Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, ArcGIS 9.2, GIMP, OpenOffice...).

File format for loading and saving a list of classes

Component list (.pcl)

The Component list file allows loading and saving your own list of components for Point Counting, Object Extraction or markers in Image Factory.

File format for loading and saving a description card

General Description list (.gdl)

The General Description list file allows loading and saving your own list of descriptions.

File format for loading and saving a list of learning elements

Learning list (.lng)

The Learning list file allows saving learning elements, so that they can later be applied or added to another supervised classification.

File format for loading and saving a calibration

Calibration ratio (.cal)

The Calibration ratio file allows loading and saving a specific calibration ratio that corresponds to one image or to a set of images.

File format for saving data tables

CSV semicolon separator (.csv)

CSV is a standard format that can be read by software that uses a spreadsheet. Actually, it is a text file where each element of the table is separated by a semicolon and a line by a carriage return.

ASCII tabulation separator (.txt)

It is a simple text file where each element of the table is separated by tabulation marks and a line by a carriage return.

XML version 1.0 (.xml)

XML file defined by XML 1.0 specifications.