Point Counting

Point counting is a technique to measure the amount of each component present in an image. It consists in laying a grid over the image and counting what is under each grid intersection point.

Point counting is an alternative method to quantify image components stochastically, especially when the contrast between the components is poor or when the image is too complex for using the Object Extraction or Background tool.

Grid types

Starting a counting

  1. Make your own list of classes with the Class Editor.
  2. Press the Start button.
  3. In the Point Counting Properties window:
  4. For displaying several images simultaneously with a particular zoom factor for each image, create different views (see Multiview).
  5. Press the button of the class (or the related keystroke) that matches what is in the center of the pointer. Repeat this operation until the counting is statistically representative (see Stopping the counting below).
  6. Display the results with the Data Viewer.

Reset: Reset the current session.

Floating Bar: Open the Class panel in an independent window. Closing the window will replace the panel in the initial state.

 Note: Having the list next to the pointer is more comfortable, because you can focus your eyes on the center of the screen during the counting.

Center Pointer: Replace the pointer in the center of the screen.

The two first Arrow Buttons allow going from a point to another chronologically. The third one allows getting a new position (it can also be used for bypassing a position).

Refresh: Refresh the percentages (e.g. when points have been deleted).


 Note: Classes can be added, removed or merged even while counting.

Modifying the class of a point

Navigate with the Arrow Buttons and then click on the desired class button. It is also possible to change the class of a point by double-clicking on the point or by selecting Properties in the contextual menu.

Stopping the counting

There are two ways of stopping the counting:

Point Counting preferences

Default grid type and default point limit can be changed in the Point Counting Properties when starting a new counting.

 Note: To display the preferences, open the Project Preferences window and select Point Counting.